Current Literature in Glycobiology / Glyco Journal Club
MED 246 / CMM 246 | Every Fall, Winter, Spring Quarter | Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Day: Friday
First Day Winter Quarter: Friday, January 10, 2025
Location: Israni Biomedical Research Facility, Room 4103
Course Director: Philip Gordts
Co-Instructors: Jeffrey D. Esko, Pascal Gagneux, Kamil Godula, Amanda Lewis, Lars Bode
Course TAs: Jill Hauer, Raymond Yu
Units: 1
Symbol Nomenclature for Glycans (SNFG):
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine:
Current Literature in Glycobiology is a one-credit (per quarter) elective that provides a forum for informally discussing current papers in glycobiology research. Topics include glycan chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, and molecular biology in animals, plants and microbes, as well as medical aspects of glycobiology.
If you are off campus and would like access to course materials, contact Tracy:
Tracy Gilstrap
Education Program Specialist
(858) 882-1378